Sunday, April 17, 2011

Facing Facts

I love Espresso.

Really, completely, and truly.

It's not just love though. It's about so much more than love.

I, rather irresponsibly, took on a dog in college. I thought my situation would be very different than I'm facing now. But now I will be moving across the country to live alone, knowing nobody local, to pursue a career I didn't even know existed 4 years ago. Yet however many changes have occurred in my life in the four years of college, owning a dog has been one of the most dramatic, yet fulfilling. I don't need to throw away this choice just because it was looking to make life more difficult, because I wanted "a fresh start."

But I am not magical. Sometimes she spends more time in the crate, I have to miss events, I panic about how I will cope.

But it is the love of her and acceptance of responsibility that has allowed me to always make it work. I work hard to make my life work for the BOTH of us. I think of all the choices, make all the contacts, and eventually carry out a successful plan.

Because there is simply no fine dining, poppin' party, swanky apartment or flirtatious fun that even COMPARES to this:

So I am embracing my own fresh start. Or rather, our fresh start. Because Espresso will be with me through it all. My buddy. My partner in crime. My sounding-board. My significant other. My little monster. My dog.

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